> conditions of use
conditions of use

conditions of use

Except where otherwise indicated, materials on this site are free to use for personal, educational and research purposes on condition that the source is acknowledged. Where the materials are used online they should include a link to

For commercial use or inclusion in paper or electronic published materials please contact


The materials are supplied 'as is' and no warranties ar made or implied as to the suitability of these materials for particular purposes, nor is any waranty made as to the accuracy or relaibaility ofsoftware, written or other material.


Copyright in all code or other materials, except where stated, belongs to Alan Dix.

redistributed and modified works

Any redistribution of these works on web sites, in print, in electronic form or otherwise, should include an explicit and apparent acknowledgement, a reference to these terms and the site, and clearly state that these conditions continue to apply to the redistriubuted work.

Modified versions of these works should include an explicit and apparent acknowledgement, a reference to these terms and the site, clearly state that they are adaptations and that these conditions apply to the elements of this work in the derived work.
earlier version at
Alan Dix 25/5/2001 (modified 22/1/2005)