> life counter > what happened

time machine

Alan Dix

2155675592 seconds ago was Thursday, 29th December 1955 at 11:0 GMT.

Make a lifecounter for that day.

On that exact day

Events on 29th December 1955 at

The moon's phase on 29th December 1955 at Imagiware Astronomy Tools

dMarie Time Capsule for 29th December 1955 (mainly US events, TV programs etc.)

Time magazine on 29th December 1955 29th December 1955

On that date in other years

Today in History for 29th December at Timelines in History

On this Day for 29th December in the New York Times

On this Day for 29th December at the BBC

Things about 29th December in Wikipedia

'Any Day in History for 29th December from Scope Systems

Today in History on 29th December from Library of Congress

Birthdays on 29th December from Creative Quotations

Mathematical birthdays on 29th December from St Andrews

In that month/year

News from the BBC in 1955

History Channel timeline for 1955

Wiki events for 1955

Marcos J. Montes' Ecclesiastical Calendar for 1955 Western or Orthodox

infoplease events for 1955

In that period

CNN Millenium series The 20th Century

Wiki encyclopedia for The 20th Century

Other places to look

New York Times archive 1851 - 1995

Public holidays around the world at the Encyclopedia of Days

HyperHistory online timelines, events, etc.


read about slow time - looking at timescales measured in nanohertz

and in all those seconds how much do you see and hear? see my back of the envelope calculations of the memory needed for a complete AV record of your life "the ultimate interface and the sums of life?"

I've been interested in time as an interface phenomena for many years; see my research pages on time in the interface.


time machine

what was happening in the past?

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